Nothing to sneeze at

The Tennessee General Assembly’s Fiscal Review Committee estimated that allowing wine sales in retail food stores would generate more than $16 million for state government and an additional $11 million for local governments.

“We know a majority of Tennesseans support wine sales in retail food stores,” said Jarron Springer, president of the Tennessee Grocers and Convenience Store Association (TGCSA). “The positive fiscal impact is yet another reason for legislators to seriously consider these bills this year and not roll it into another study committee.”

Download the fiscal note from the Red White and Food website media center.

8 Responses to “Nothing to sneeze at”

  1. Newscoma » Blog Archive » Dear Gail Kerr Says:

    […] I want the convenience, but more than that, I’m tired of lobbyists controlling the legislators. I’m 43-years-old and I get carded. If people are doing their job where alcohol is served, they are going to card everyone as that is th… […]

  2. Hilarious Says:

    Please remember the blog you are posting on is being run, setup, paid for, written, etc. by a registered lobbyist.

  3. Cederash Says:

    Только вчера об этом думал, так что пост как нельзя в тему!

  4. Scott Says:

    Hey, this is just a test. Was curious to see if all comments are now converted to Cyrillic Alphabet now that we don’t hear from RW&F so much anymore.

  5. Scott Says:

    I guess redwhitefood just changes the posted comments that they don’t agree with….

  6. Bryan Says:

    How is allowing wine to be sold in Grocery stores going to increase the amount of money raised for the state government? The current residents of Tennessee who drink wine are already buying it at retail stores. Is this estimate suggesting that grocery stores are going to convert non drinkers into drinkers or is this estimate suggesting that it will increase the amount that current drinkers consume? Are the Grocery stores going to move people who drink wine into Tennessee?
    I understand that opening up a new store obviously will raise some money, but that is just filling the pipeline so to speak. Once the initial orders are filled, the amount of product sold is not going to increase significantly without other factors affecting it.
    Is the estimated amount of tax money used in this article the actual amount that is already being raised? By my calculations, the Grocery stores would have to buy an additional $540 Million worth of wine from the distributors. If Grocery Stores mark up wine around 20 percent, they would still have to generate sales of $650 Million without affecting the sales of a single retail store that currently sells wine. In a recession, how are the residents of Tennessee going to come up with an additional $650 Million to spend on wine?

  7. rugbymom Says:

    I believe it will increase sales because of the convenience of picking up a bottle with your dinner preparations for pairing it. Several times on a sunday i’d liked to have paired a bottle with a meal when guests were coming over, but since i could not pick one up, I made other choices. It does not make sense we can buy beer on Sunday after noon, but not wine. it is dumb. It is my experience wine-drinkers are less likely to overindulge anyway.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Wine drinkers who overindulge on wine are called BUMS, and they will be hanging out at the gas stations to buy Cisco, Thunderbird, Night Train, Wild Irish Rose, Boone’s Farm, and other products designed just for them.

    Earnest Gallo used to place empty bottles of Thunderbird in poor neighborhoods in order to increase “product awareness”.

    Selling wine on Sunday is not what these lobbiests are trying to cajole – yet. That would be the next step, along with forcing dry counties to go wet (or the grocers would threaten to close or move into another area) – and then lastly to put liquor in grocery stores and gas stations.

    Sorry your dinner wasn’t as good as it could have been. But the best plan is for you to prepare ahead of time – not to turn over government control of this state to big business.

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